Founding Launcher: Outside-the-box thinker, Relationship builder, Cult leader

New York

People always ask “so what actually is a launcher and how does it work?”

In three sentences, how a Launcher operates is similar to how Members of Parliament operate in New Zealand, Australia and the UK, or Representatives of the House in the US. It’s your job to get an entire town to believe in what you believe in, show you're the one who can make it happen, build relationships with first users so strongly that they feel a part of the team, and develop their feedback into your work. Led by Toby, all launchers across different neighborhoods work towards the same goal of changing how the world lives. Like a prime minister or president who sets the direction but is nothing without their party members!

The role

  • Cold start an entire neighborhood with Toby from literally nothing to self-sustaining organic growth within 4 weeks. You'll have your very own instagram (for example, @kiki.eastvillage) and full control over the entire thing. Your job is to grow it as fast and culty as possible, replicating or hopefully doing better than what we did in Bondi on our instagram. We’ll be creating a new instagram for every neighborhood (i.e. East Village), which each launcher will be the leader and CEO of

  • Become best friends with our first 25 users who match our “key persona” and get to know them as well as your Grandma

  • Come up with absolutely wild, outrageous and completely outside-of-the-box marketing tactics to achieve our first touch point of getting people to go “Wtf?” and then “Wtf is Kiki?”

  • Understand how users and potential users talk about going away or moving to a city and come up with unique ways to build ourselves into these conversations that are already happening

  • Tests the MVP of any idea within 30 minutes of ideation (99% of things don’t work in a marketplace so we like to shoot a lot of shots and then double down on those that work). For example, our ‘hacking milkrun idea’ never worked but we sprayed so many shots others did

  • Once we move past the super scrappy cold start stage you’ll take learnings and ‘productify’ them as we scale. e.g taking our friend unlock approach one step further into neighborhood unlocks

  • Be the face of Kiki in whatever neighborhood is yours and absolutely own it

  • Attract and recruit incredible future launchers who, strapped with our GTM playbook can achieve growth never seen before in this space

  • Lead a team of launchers as we expand across NYC launching 10+ neighborhoods and hiring 7 more launchers in 12 months

  • Be based in New York in person for at least the next 12 months. We’re huge on in-person culture and are getting our own office space in Manhattan where our Kikiers and their friends can co-work alongside us for free, and we’ll literally be building with our users…The early Facebook team was telling us, “The early days were the best times any of us had at Facebook. When it was just 10 of us squished around a computer screen, all building and brainstorming how we could pull this off! We miss it.”

About you

  • Have done your own thing before - either startups, side hustles, projects (brought an idea from your mind into the universe and tried everything to make it work)

  • Pro if you have a learning disability as it allows you to see the world in a different way than everyone else e.g Dyselcia/ADHD etc

  • Ridiculously good problem solver

  • Not the smartest person in the room but the most curious

  • High EQ

  • Ability to bring people together and you’re the rock in friendship groups

  • You have built an audience/following before (or have the potential to)

  • People naturally gravitate towards you

  • Great storyteller

  • Don’t let rejection stop you and use it as fuel instead

  • Believe there’s always a way and you never give up

  • Understand what makes people tick

  • You don’t talk at people - you listen and make them feel valued

  • Very opinionated and stand up for what you believe in

  • Born leader (past evidence such as being a captain of your sports team, leading school campaigns or your own startup)

  • Been incredibly passionate about previous things in your life such as career, competing in sports, sports teams, not-for-profits, uni clubs etc

  • High achiever in anything (can be sport/gaming/school/side hustles etc)

  • Shameless (you’ll do anything to make your idea come to life)

  • Are not camera shy (you’ll be becoming one of the faces for the new way of living movement)

  • A chip on your shoulder that everyone underestimates but drives you everyday

  • When something doesn’t make sense in the world you’re deeply curious to understand why. You hate it when somebody says “that’s just how it’s always been”

Flaws we don’t mind (as I, Toby have them) and they can be delegated to allow you to thrive

  • Poor time management

  • Find it hard to get what’s in your head onto paper

  • Low written skills

  • Find it hard to complete tasks on time


  • $130K USD salary

  • Founding team stock options that will change your life when we IPO

  • If you’re relocating to NYC, we’ll provide you with a budget so you can find a 1-2 month sublet to experience the pain yourself

  • If you’re a New Zealander or Australian, we’ll arrange your long term US visa

  • High level of ownership and autonomy

  • Opportunity to build and lead your own team as we scale through NYC, around America and over Europe (then ringing the bell at IPO)

  • Join at day 0 and be part of the foundations going down in history for changing how the world lives

How to join our team

Email us at with an intro, what you’ve worked on in the past (learnings, what went wrong/right) and why you’re excited about Kiki. Don’t be afraid to talk very transparently about your past and to show any ideas you have for Kiki in Figma/videos/anyway you like (we hate CVs because they tell us nothing about who you actually are, so please don’t send these). We’ve already had a lot of interest so we’ll jump into it and let you know ASAP if we’re keen to chat or not. Show us how much you want to join… the more you hustle us the better.

Anyone we meet now but don’t hire will likely have the chance to join very soon as our team’s growing from 3-6 now, 6-25 within 10 months and 25-100 a year later. So don’t stop doing epic shit! A motto we live by is to become a linear line, not a dot - this is the reason we secured one of the biggest seed checks Blackbird’s ever written after rejection for $150K USD 6 months’ prior. We built our Blackbird relationship for over a year, as they watched us execute, grew to trust that we could potentially achieve something never seen before, to leading with their $4.5m USD investment.

Become a linear line! See you in our inbox and we’ll screenshot it for 10 years from now when you're responsible for changing how the world lives ;)